Guest Post Guidelines

Thank you for wanting to be featured in the TheBootstrapThemes blog.

We are thrilled to receive guest posts as they bring a variety of topics and expert opinions for our readers.

To ensure the guest posts fit our blog and provide the most value for our readers, we have some requirements regarding the content type and quality.

Preferred Content

Our main expertise lies in WordPress themes, as you may have noticed. We welcome any content related to the WordPress themes.

In addition, here are other niches that fit our main expertise:

  • WordPress Plugins: tutorials, showcases, comparisons.
  • WordPress Ecosystem: tutorials, how-to articles, troubleshooting.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): After all, our themes are optimized for search engines.
  • Other software that integrates with WordPress, or is otherwise connected with it.
  • Web design

Guest Post Requirements

Please, follow these best practices for faster response time and quick publication.

  1. You must show expertise in the topic, usually gained through firsthand experience. Our niche is very technical, and the content requires your input.
  2. Your submission must be a fresh, unpublished content. Repurposed pieces are only allowed if both parties have discussed and approved it beforehand.
  3. Posts should have a minimum of 1000 words.
  4. Submit posts with graphics and content via Google Docs.
  5. Plagiarism is unacceptable. Cite your sources for quotes, statistics, and external content using hyperlinks within your article. Ensure images are free to use without copyright violation.

Include links to your website directly in the text. Avoid keyword and link stuffing. Direct links are preferred.

If you submit multiple articles, we will create a profile for you in the WordPress Administration. Your profile will be showcased in the final part of the article, along with your avatar, description, and link.

Don’t forget to share the post on your social media. We’ll return the love!

Ready to Pitch?

Email us at

We’re looking forward to our collaboration!