Refund Policy

TheBootstrapThemes provides refunds to our customers under below-mentioned conditions within 14 days of purchase. We provide full refunds in case the product(s) is broken, not working properly, missing features from what is stated to have been provided, or not meeting expectations

It is to be noted that our products are abstract and digitally delivered goods.

Since our sole purpose is to design and develop the best possible themes and templates for you, we believe the products are devoid of any issues and in case of one, we shall provide you with proper guides to sort it out.

Refunds will be provided in our sole judgment and must meet the following conditions fully-:

  • Your issue is reported within the first 14 days of the purchase of the theme.
  • Your issue(s) arises as a result of not being able to install the theme properly or get the theme to perform its basic functions.
  • You have attempted to resolve your issue(s) with our support team.
  • Issues caused by third-party plugins, themes, or other software will not provide grounds for a refund.
  • No refunds will be granted after the first 14 days of the original purchase 

Please keep note of the difference between defective products and simple error messages or disabilities to configure your purchase to achieve the desired result. Error messages resulting from improper setup, hosting, configuration, plugin conflicts, or missing files which leads to issues in products.

You must do the following before you request a refund from The Bootstrap Themes:

  • Please go through the inclusive documentation that we provide with each theme or template and read the related tutorials carefully:
  • Affirm that your server meets the specifications mentioned in the requirements for the Product and WordPress in general [].
  • Send a new support email and contact our support services via in case of not getting your issues resolved

All our payments are processed using Freemius, so the refund will be issued by Freemius which will take 7-14 days for the amount to get into your account.

In case of any doubts regarding your product, please feel free to contact us for further information. We are immensely pleased to be of any help to you.

By purchasing a theme(s) from our website, you agree to this refund policy and relinquish any rights to subject it to any questions, judgment, or legal actions. You completely agree to our refund policy and abandon any rights to subject it to any questions, judgment, or legal actions, while purchasing any theme or template.