Help And Support Policy

TheBootstrapThemes appreciates your trust and love for our themes. We are available for any communication to make your experience better. We take great pride to provide you timely service and active support.

You can access Support services through email. We do not provide support services through phone, social media services, or live chat. For initial support, we recommend you use theme documentation.

Support Hours

We respond to your inquiries within 48h between Monday and Friday. Our support team is not available on holidays and weekends.

Our Support Include

Our support services are only limited to the themes and templates that we designed and developed. It is our immense pleasure to assist you to install and use the themes as assured previously.

We make sure all the themes that we launch are error-free. We test them before releasing them to users in order, to avoid issues at your end.  However, bugs and errors can always arise post-launch so are happy to help fix issues as soon as possible. Please report them to us in that case via our support email

We want our themes to work for you, and we do our best to make that happen. Even upon receiving problems not related to our themes, we will at least lead you to ways that get out of the issue.

Our Support Doesn’t Include

We do not endorse support services related to third-party themes, scripts, or plugins. In case you come across any issue related to any of them, we encourage you to contact the product author to get the issue cleared out.

We also do not endorse custom development, customization-related support services, theme installation, website setup, server management, or hosting. We also advise you to stay aware of our Help and support policies, as we update them from time to time.