Get Access to Premium WordPress Themes

Looking to explore multiple themes all at once?

/ Year
Annual plan for all themes
All Premium Themes
All Premium Features
Use on 1 website
1 Year of updates
1 Year of Premium support
14 days Money-back Guarantee
Best value for lifetime
All Premium Themes
All Premium Features
Use on unlimited websites
Lifetime updates
Lifetime Premium support
14 days Money-back Guarantee
Payment is secured via third party Freemius® Inc.

All prices are in USD. Prices are without the value-added tax (VAT).

Seeking individual themes instead?

Choose your desired theme.

Extensive Support

We love helping our customers with their WordPress sites!

Frequently Asked Questions

You ask, we answer.

If you opt for our annual plan, you must renew your license key in order to get additional updates and premium support. You will be billed automatically after 1 year of the initial purchase.
With our Lifetime plan, you can enjoy lifetime access to all our theme updates and premium support without the need to renew your license key.
You are completely covered by our 100% Money Back Guarantee. If within the next 14 days you encounter a problem and we are unable to fix it, or you change your mind about the purchase, we will give you a full refund. For more details, please refer to our Refund Policy.
To apply a discount code, simply click on the button BUY NOW and look for the option “Have a promotional code?” during the checkout.
When you switch to the premium edition of a theme, everything integrates smoothly with your free version. Your current content will remain intact. Simply adjust the additional features that accompany the PRO version.
We are here to provide assistance for any problems you may encounter while setting up, configuring, and using your theme. Additionally, our team is available to help our PRO customers with other issues they may face on their WordPress website. We love helping our customers ❤️.